How To Use Twitter 101

First, don't let people tell you how to run Your #Twitter!

Get your Egg unhatched and put a banner up. People #Block just for not taking five minutes to do that!
 Don't put Eff You in your Profile!

Don't moan and complain all the time. We all have problems, that's just the way it is!

Don't talk to people like they are idiots - It's a Social Network - A lot of people are here to share thoughts and ideas, not to be bombarded with criticism, and remember, you don't always know what age the people are you are talking to, plus there is no body language to read.

If you want to be family friendly, which is a good idea for example, if you are selling games for all the family, try not to swear and engage in outburts. You may lose some important #Followers.

me New account? Don't follow people too quickly else you will get stuck at that pesky 2000 limitation! Your follower and followee numbers need to be within 10% of each other till you get past 2000.

Use >> inactives to get back some space and follow some live tweeps. Follow some of my followers :)

Also use, and

Direct Messages
Basically why bother? You get more interest on:

The Timeline
Not all of your #Followers will see the best Tweet you ever wrote and just sent, so post it again in 3 hours or so.

Twitter Analytics
Average best days to tweet:
Monday - #MM #MusicMonday - Best
Tuesday -
Wednesday - #Humpday
Thursday -
Friday - #FF #FollowFriday -Very good
Saturday - #Caturday
Sunday - people in bed

But you have to post at least 120 tweets to get a good gage (or I do)

Spam Accounts
Buying Followers Tip:
Don't! Cos you never know what you're gonna get!

This account is one of many owned by the same rip off merchant! Same banner, probably real people sucked in by it. #BLOCK!

There are rather a lot of bisexual horny babes around recently #Block

Keeping your account nice and tidy:
Tweepi - only works up to 60K followers though.
Manageflitter - My fave :)

Verified Accounts
Twitter DO NOT offer you a verified tick in Direct Messages and the general public don't get offered one, else we'd all have one? Iron Man has one though?
See this joker? They have lots of fake verify accounts. Spot the deliberate mistake? Go to Google to verify a twitter Tick? And does this account look Verified to you?

Use: where you can share content that you want to share.


And this is my

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